Introducing MOTIONS

MOTIONS is a researcher-oriented platform that allows the user to perform different kinds of evaluations on human-information interaction using a wide variety of interfaces.

  • Multiple Interfaces

    Currently the system supports Occulus Rift, Leap Motion, Kinect One, Open Glove, EMOTIV: Insight, The EyeTribe, NeuroSky: MindWave, Mouse and Keyboard. But the system was deigned to support new and different interfaces for integration.

  • Customize your evaluation

    Each user can create and store multiple evaluations, each made by choosing from different information objects, visualizations, interactions and interfaces, combining them as you wish!

  • Build the experience

    All actions in the system that can be done with the information objects, visualization or interaction can be tied to any input from the interfaces, allowing for a complete customization of the user experience.

  • Store the data

    Every action made by the user and all the data captured by the active interfaces are stored in a .csv file during each and every evaluation


MOTIONS purpose

The system was made with the goal of puting a powerful tool in the hands of researchers looking to investigate the human-information interaction with the ever growing list of new and innovative interfaces.

MOTIONS was built using Unity 3D graphic engine 5.5.2 and C# language due to its interoperability.

Meet the Contributors

  • Roberto González-Ibáñez, PhD

    Researcher | USACH
  • Fernanda Estay

    Developer | USACH
  • Angus Pollman

    Developer | USACH
  • Fabian Urbina

    Developer | USACH

  • Jonathan Catalan

    Developer | USACH


MOTIONS menu and screenshots of the 3D environment



Theses and Dissertations

  • Urbina, F. (2017). MOTIONS Modules and Extensions for Visual, Auditive, and Physiological Immersive Interactions. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
  • Pollmann, A. (2017). MOTIONS Modules and Extensions for Supporting Brain- and Ocular- User Interfaces. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
  • Estay, F. (2017). MOTIONS Extensions for Supporting Body-Gesture Interactions with Digital Information Objects. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


Theses and Dissertations

  • Gaete, E. (2016). VoRTIcES: Virtual RealiTy experImEntation System. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Current supported technologies




